Securities Trading Commission and Fees


Securities Trading Commission and Fees


Securities Trading Commission and Fees

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Trading Value (X) per Day (Baht) Transactions via Equity Wealth Manager (EM) Transactions via online channel
Cash balance account Cash account Credit balance account
X <= Bt5mn. 0.25% 0.15%  0.20% 0.15%
Bt5mn. < X <=Bt10mn. 0.22%  0.13% 0.18% 0.13%
Bt10mn. < X <=Bt20mn. 0.18%  0.11% 0.15% 0.11%
X > Bt20mn. 0.15% 0.10% 0.12% 0.10%

The above fees are not included the fees and vat as follows.

  • Trading Fee 0.005% of Trading Value
  • Clearing Fee 0.001% of Trading Value
  • Regulatory Fee 0.001% of Trading Value
  • Vat 7% of total fees

*No Minimum commission per day

  • The commission will be calculated based on the daily trading value plus the SET trading fee of 0.005%, the TSD clearing fee of 0.001%, a regulatory fee of 0.001% of the trading value, and a 7% Value Added Tax (VAT).

Remark :

  1. The commission and fees for Cash Account include ATS settlement fee of 14 Baht.
