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Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is an investment technique which involves buying the same fixed amount of a particular investment on a regular schedule, regardless of the share price. As a result of the approach, the investor ends up purchasing more shares when prices are low and fewer shares when prices are high.

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Investment Amount Start from 5,000 - 1,000,000 THB
Investment Policy Stocks on SET 100 or ETF
Type of Investment Account Cash Balance / Cash Account
Fee 0.157% (for Cash Balance account) / 0.207% (for Cash Account) Excluding brokerage fees (minimum 50 baht per day)
Maximum stocks 5 symbols (Exclude the activated)
Condition The order is still operating normally when corporate action (CA) activities occur
Investment information Read our analysis paper at KS Super Stock mobile application and www.kasikornsecurities.com
Trading Platform K-Cyber Trade / Streaming
Support systems K-Cyber Trade / Streaming for Android V.5.0 or above
K-Cyber Trade / Streaming for IPhone V.9.3 or above

* Please study product's features, conditions, and relevant risks before making investment decision

What is DCA?
  • DCA stands for Dollar-Cost Averaging which is an investment technique
  • Investing regularly on a regular schedule (normally every week or every month)
  • Investing the same fixed amount of money regardless of share price
Who'd invest on DCA?
  • Newbie to the investment world
  • Those who plan for financial saving discipline
  • Those who don’t have much time to monitor stock prices
  • Those who are interested in investing in long-term period
Why DCA with Kasikorn Securities?
  • It is an approach used to reduce risk volatility
  • Investors can track the investing performance anywhere anytime
  • Investors will be alerted to remind for purchasing stocks regularly
  • With back testing feature, investors can monitor its performance before making decision to invest

* Please study product's features, conditions, and relevant risks before making investment decision

* Please study product's features, conditions, and relevant risks before making investment decision
