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K-Stock 2 Fund To maximize return on asset while waiting for the right timing to enter back to equity market, Kasikorn Securities’ K-Stock2Fund is your ultimate solution. Instead of transferring your funds to traditional deposit account, we will place your funds in K-Treasury or K-Money mutual fund which has higher yield and very low risk. The mutual fund will also be automatically redeemed when you purchase the stocks.
K-STOCK2FUND Key Features
Investors can use K-STOCK2FUND service to enjoy the following features
Value Added
Enhance yield on your asset
K-STOCK2FUND automatically settles the payment from your stock portfolio to K-Treasury through the ATS system. Monitor your investment through SMS, monthly statements, and fund passbook.
Orders can be made in full or partial amounts with minimum order of only 5,000 baht and the flexibility to modify your order until 16:30 of the next dayTips