- Streaming (New) Streaming is a stock online trading program for equity and derivative trading. Comes with Alert & Notification & Notification and other available functions.
- Options Wizard is a program to help make your option selection easier.
- Market Movements Market Movements is a summary of market conditions, covering both equity and derivative markets. Also displays the price of equity and derivatives you are following.
- List of Index Members provides the names of underlying stocks used for calculation of each index.
- Stock / Series Movement is a menu showing the bid-ask price for each stock with relevant trading information.
- Market Summary (Refresh) is a snapshot of equity and derivatives market.
- Quote (Refresh) is a snapshot of price movement and company information.
- Technical Graph is a technical analysis with selected trendlines and essential indicators.
- Aspen for Browser is a real-time newsfeed with investment updates and technical charting analysis.
- e-Finance is the starting menu for www.efinancethai.com without having to log-in twice. The program provides market information on equity and derivatives as well as market news and real-time analytical tools on eFin StockPickup.
- Recommended Websites are the list of recommended websites for investment information covering foreign indices, commodities, gold, and FOREX.
- My Portfolio is the tab for My Multi-Asset Portfolio with an additional summary of your investments in funds, fixed income securities with Kasikorn Securities. Ready for a thorough analysis to complete your equity and derivatives portfolio.
- Today Deal Summary is the summary menu for matched orders in executed day.
- Realized Profit/Loss is the menu which summarizes the gain/loss from transactions that have already occurred.
- Cash Flow Report is the report of cash movement through all accounts covering deposits, withdrawals, receives, payments, and interests.
- Confirmation Report is the menu which investors can view the summary of payment confirmations for transaction that have already happened. Details of each transaction are also available in this menu.
- Settlement Calendar is a calendar view of the past matched transactions with daily summary.
- Transaction Movement shows the movement and balance of equity and derivatives which have been matched.
- Monthly Statement is the portfolio summary at the end of the previous month. Portfolio details are also included gain/loss at the end of the previous month.
- Monthly Statement (Single Report) is the monthly summary of all assets held under Kasikorn Securities.
- Portfolio XD/XR Monthly Statement (Single Report)
- Portfolio Simulation is an online portfolio analysis tool where investors and simulate and back-test their portfolio by themselves.
Order/Order Status Tab A newly-added feature bringing all programs for sending equity and derivative trading orders under one menu. Combined into one menu for greater convenience. Including the following features.
- Streaming is a real-time streaming program for equity and derivative trading. Comes with Alert & Notification & Notification and other available functions.
- Options Wizard is a program to help make your option selection easier.
- Place Order Tab is the menu for sending and checking your orders. Available to both equity and derivatives trading. Suitable for browsers with no flash plugin installed or browsers connected to slow speed connections
Investment Information (Decision Support) A newly-added feature which brings you important information to support your investment decision. Making it even easier to use with maximized efficiency. Including the following information.
- Research is the menu for forefront research from our research team. Covering all aspects of investment with fundamental analysis, technical analysis, strategic analysis and qualitative analysis reports.
- Economic Calendar is a calendar view of key economic announcements combined with rights and benefits announcement of your portfolio.
- Listed Company Info provides an extensive business and financial database for companies listed in SET and MAI.
- Investor Type Info breaks down the trading volume by investor types – institutional investors, foreign investors, and retail investors.
- Top Ranking Info is a menu for ranking equity and derivatives using historical data. It also can be personally customized.
- Trading Signs Info provides list of corporate action signs indicating the eligibility to rights and benefits of the underlying equity and derivatives.
- Research Reference Tab shows the e-mail subscription request to Kasikorn Securities research and SMS subscription for Market News.
- E-Payment (ODD) is an online direct deposit menu for your Kasikorn Bank account (for those who have subscribed to the ODD service). Offered to Cash accounts and Derivatives accounts (available during 8.30-17.00).
- Cash Collateral Deposit by Automatic Transfer System (ATS) is available for Cash Balance accounts and Derivatives accounts.
- Cash Withdraw is the menu for withdrawing cash from your portfolio.
- Cash Collateral Transfer is the menu for transferring cash between your portfolios.
- Settlement Management is the menu to request for a temporary change in payment settlements.
- Overdue Settlement is the menu for using proceeds from sales to settle late payments.
- Stock Transfer Request is the menu for transferring assets between your accounts under Kasikorn Securities.
- Portfolio Status Request is the menu for requesting statements and account changes.Such as requesting statements for VISA application purposes and change in channels of receiving documents (post and/or email) which will affect the documents confirming today’s transaction and settlement notifications.
- KYC & Risk Profile is the menu to update your personal information to comply with SEC regulations.
- Change Mailing Address is the request form for changing delivery address.
- Change in Social Network Information is the menu to change any information regarding social network information such as your Facebook email or twitter account.
- Change in Bank Accounts is the menu to change your bank accounts for ATS and ODD services.
- IPO Online is the menu to subscribe for online offerings.
- Forms provide a list of forms for transactions with Kasikorn Securities.
- TSD Portal is the menu for investors to access information on the TSD database by themselves. Available for searching, checking, and printing your shareholder’s information.
- Set First Page is the menu for customizing your home page after log-in
- Set My Shortcut is the menu for customizing the shortcuts of your frequent usage
- Change PIN is the menu to change your PIN code for trading
- Forgot PIN is the menu to request for a new PIN code in case you have forgotten the code. You will be required to answer the secret verification question as previously selected.
- Change mobile number is the menu to change your mobile phone number.
- Secret Question is the menu to set or reset your secret question for future verification purposes.